Introduction to the ITSM API 

Start with our Core API docs for an introduction to the Kloudless API and more information on connecting user accounts and performing API requests.

Once an account is connected to your application, your application can begin making requests to the ITSM API endpoints listed below. Here are the supported services, listed with service identifiers:

  • ITSM Services
    • ServiceNow: servicenow

The ITSM API has the following available object types:

In addition, a generic objects endpoint is available for custom service-specific data or objects not provided by the Kloudless ITSM API.


An incident represents any interruption in normal service operation.

  • id Unique identifier for the incident.

  • change Identifier of the related change request object.

  • problem Identifier of the related problem object.

  • requester User who reported this incident.

  • responder User responding to this incident.

  • active Whether the incident is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this incident.

  • category Category of the incident.

  • due_date Due date of the incident.

  • escalation Escalation of the incident.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the incident.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • created ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the incident was created.

  • modified ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the incident was modified.

  • description Description of the incident.

  • type Always incident.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

List Incidents 

list incidentsGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/incidents{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page.

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of Incident objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "total": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "page": 1,
      "next_page": null,
      "objects": [
          "api": "itsm",
          "assignee": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
            "name": "Vinod Chandru",
            "email": ""
          "category": "hardware",
          "created": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
          "description": "User can't access email on",
          "escalation": 0,
          "id": "Fc1GyHgRrEKK0zzPXPyj1MB2UgJlb3Bx72LJ-npTpEWHy4sZmnXUiX3pY-tDyHWwl",
          "impact": "high",
          "modified": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
          "priority": "medium",
          "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
          "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
          "requester": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
            "name": "Timothy Liu",
            "email": ""
          "status": 1,
          "type": "incident",
          "urgency": "medium",
          "href": ""
      "type": "object_list",
      "api": "itsm"

Create an Incident 

create an incidentPOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/incident

To create an incident, perform a POST request containing a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • change Identifier of the related change request object.

  • problem Identifier of the related problem object.

  • requester User who reported this incident.

  • responder User responding to this incident.

  • active Whether the Incident is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this incident.

  • category Category of the incident.

  • due_date Due date of the incident.

  • escalation Escalation of the incident.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the incident.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the incident.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "category": "hardware",
        "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
        "description": "User cannot access email on",
        "impact": "high",
        "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "priority": "medium",
        "urgency": "medium",
        "requester": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
        "active": true,
        "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
        "escalation": 0
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "category": "hardware",
      "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
      "description": "User cannot access email on",
      "impact": "high",
      "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
      "priority": "medium",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "requester": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
      "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
      "escalation": 0
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "created": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "description": "User can't access email on",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "Fc1GyHgRrEKK0zzPXPyj1MB2UgJlb3Bx72LJ-npTpEWHy4sZmnXUiX3pY-tDyHWwl",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
      "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
      "requester": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
        "name": "Timothy Liu",
        "email": ""
      "status": 1,
      "type": "incident",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Retrieve an Incident 

retrieve an IncidentGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/incidents/{incident_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "created": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "description": "User can't access email on",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "Fc1GyHgRrEKK0zzPXPyj1MB2UgJlb3Bx72LJ-npTpEWHy4sZmnXUiX3pY-tDyHWwl",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
      "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
      "requester": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
        "name": "Timothy Liu",
        "email": ""
      "status": 1,
      "type": "incident",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Update an Incident 

update an incidentPATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/incidents/{incident_id}

To update an incident, make a PATCH request containing a JSON object in the with one or more of the following properties:

  • change Identifier of the related change request object.

  • problem Identifier of the related problem object.

  • requester User who reported this incident.

  • responder User responding to this incident.

  • active Whether the Incident is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this incident.

  • category Category of the incident.

  • due_date Due date of the incident.

  • escalation Escalation of the incident.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of. importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the incident.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the incident.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "priority": "medium",
        "description": "User cannot access email on"
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "priority": "medium",
      "description": "User cannot access email on"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "created": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "description": "User can't access email on",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "Fc1GyHgRrEKK0zzPXPyj1MB2UgJlb3Bx72LJ-npTpEWHy4sZmnXUiX3pY-tDyHWwl",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-27T09:01:33Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
      "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
      "requester": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
        "name": "Timothy Liu",
        "email": ""
      "status": 1,
      "type": "incident",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Delete an Incident 

delete an incidentDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/incidents/{incident_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204


A problem is the cause of an error in the IT infrastructure that is usually reported as occurrences of related incidents.

  • id Unique identifier for the problem.

  • change Identifier of related change request object.

  • incident Identifier of related Incident object.

  • requester User who reported this problem.

  • responder User responding to this problem.

  • active Whether the problem is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this problem.

  • category Category of the problem.

  • due_date Due date of the problem.

  • escalation Escalation of the problem.

  • impact Measure of impact on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the problem.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • created ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was created.

  • modified ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was last modified.

  • description Details about the problem.

  • type Always problem.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

List Problems 

list problemsGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/problems{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page.

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of Problem objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "total": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "page": 1,
      "next_page": null,
      "objects": [
          "active": true,
          "api": "itsm",
          "assignee": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
            "name": "Vinod Chandru",
            "email": ""
          "category": "hardware",
          "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
          "created": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
          "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
          "escalation": 0,
          "id": "FctP2kuVA1Fr8BHwNlAVMVySl6wfF-oV9y304Ymr8iCcy2xGW8XYdOJN6TxzlpFuY",
          "impact": "high",
          "modified": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
          "priority": "medium",
          "type": "problem",
          "urgency": "medium",
          "href": ""
      "type": "object_list",
      "api": "itsm"

Create a Problem 

create a problemPOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/problem

To create a problem, perform a POST request containing a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • change Identifier of related change request object.

  • incident Identifier of related incident object.

  • requester User who reported this problem.

  • responder User responding to this problem.

  • active Whether the problem is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this problem.

  • category Category of the problem.

  • due_date Due date of the problem.

  • escalation Escalation of the problem.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the problem.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the problem.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
        "category": "hardware",
        "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
        "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
        "impact": "high",
        "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "priority": "medium",
        "urgency": "medium",
        "requester": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
        "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
        "escalation": 0
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
      "category": "hardware",
      "due_date": "2017-10-04T20:15:37Z",
      "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
      "impact": "high",
      "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
      "priority": "medium",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "requester": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDY=",
      "problem": "F3iGnrn9YFNJ7sqGfh2ofTsF1Hv6WCFdQs8UAZKZC5f0xIRY81hy872UNWxPncRFT",
      "escalation": 0
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
      "created": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "FctP2kuVA1Fr8BHwNlAVMVySl6wfF-oV9y304Ymr8iCcy2xGW8XYdOJN6TxzlpFuY",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "type": "problem",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Retrieve a Problem 

retrieve a ProblemGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/problems/{problem_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
      "created": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "FctP2kuVA1Fr8BHwNlAVMVySl6wfF-oV9y304Ymr8iCcy2xGW8XYdOJN6TxzlpFuY",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "type": "problem",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Update a Problem 

update a problemPATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/problems/{problem_id}

To update an problem, make a PATCH request containing a JSON object in the with one or more of the following properties:

  • change Identifier of related change request object.

  • incident Identifier of related Incident object.

  • requester User who reported this problem.

  • responder User responding to this problem.

  • active Whether the problem is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this problem.

  • category Category of the problem.

  • due_date Due date of the problem.

  • escalation Escalation of the problem.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • status State of the problem

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the problem.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
        "impact": "high"
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
      "impact": "high"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "hardware",
      "incident": "FmDt08lzD96wzraSzWVGMwKBJxJ-VChCcGzeQp4YwuPT_DHszkw2rL1WmvBfy6lyQ",
      "created": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "description": "SP2 is causing several applications not to work anymore.",
      "escalation": 0,
      "id": "FctP2kuVA1Fr8BHwNlAVMVySl6wfF-oV9y304Ymr8iCcy2xGW8XYdOJN6TxzlpFuY",
      "impact": "high",
      "modified": "2017-11-30T09:22:52Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "type": "problem",
      "urgency": "medium",
      "href": ""

Delete a Problem 

delete a problemDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/problems/{problem_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204


A change is any modification to the IT environment. A change illustrates the life-cycle of the people-side of change.

  • id Unique identifier for the change.

  • problem Identifier of related Problem object.

  • incident Identifier of related Incident object.

  • requester User who created this change.

  • responder User responding to this change.

  • active Flag indicating whether the change is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this change.

  • category Category of the change.

  • end_date End date of the change.

  • escalation Escalation of the change.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • risk Risk of the change.

  • start_date Start date of change.

  • status State of the change.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • created ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was created.

  • modified ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was modified.

  • description Details about the change.

  • type Always change.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

List Changes 

list changesGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/changes{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page.

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of change objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "total": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "page": 1,
      "next_page": null,
      "objects": [
          "active": true,
          "api": "itsm",
          "assignee": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
            "name": "Vinod Chandru",
            "email": ""
          "category": "Software",
          "created": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
          "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
          "escalation": 1,
          "id": "FpTGcOSmGFokkYe0ruf4SuQdJ7JjACRI6S4mg6myJ-uR9t3hxp1XVtEMBxP6E1je9",
          "impact": "low",
          "modified": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
          "priority": "high",
          "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
          "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
          "status": 0,
          "type": "change",
          "urgency": "high",
          "href": ""
      "type": "object_list",
      "api": "itsm"

Create a Change 

create a changePOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/change

To create a change, perform a POST request containing a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • problem Identifier of related problem object.

  • incident Identifier of related Incident object.

  • requester User who created this Change object.

  • responder User responding to this change.

  • active Whether the change is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this change.

  • category Category of the change.

  • end_date End date of the change.

  • escalation Escalation of the change.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • risk Risk of the change.

  • start_date Start date of change.

  • status State of the change.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the change.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "category": "Software",
        "impact": "low",
        "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
        "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
        "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
        "priority": "high",
        "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "incident": "",
        "status": 0,
        "urgency": "high",
        "problem": "",
        "escalation": 1 
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "category": "Software",
      "impact": "low",
      "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
      "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
      "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
      "priority": "high",
      "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
      "incident": "",
      "status": 0,
      "urgency": "high",
      "problem": "",
      "escalation": 1
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "Software",
      "created": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
      "escalation": 1,
      "id": "FpTGcOSmGFokkYe0ruf4SuQdJ7JjACRI6S4mg6myJ-uR9t3hxp1XVtEMBxP6E1je9",
      "impact": "low",
      "modified": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "priority": "high",
      "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
      "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
      "status": 0,
      "type": "change",
      "urgency": "high",
      "href": ""

Retrieve a Change 

retrieve a ChangeGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/changes/{change_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "Software",
      "created": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
      "escalation": 1,
      "id": "FpTGcOSmGFokkYe0ruf4SuQdJ7JjACRI6S4mg6myJ-uR9t3hxp1XVtEMBxP6E1je9",
      "impact": "low",
      "modified": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "priority": "high",
      "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
      "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
      "status": 0,
      "type": "change",
      "urgency": "high",
      "href": ""

Update a Change 

update a changePATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/changes/{change_id}

To update a change, include a JSON object in the request body with one or more of the following properties:

  • problem Identifier of related problem object.

  • incident Identifier of related Incident object.

  • requester User who created this Change object.

  • responder User responding to this change.

  • active Whether the change is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this change.

  • category Category of the change.

  • end_date End date of the change.

  • escalation Escalation of the change.

  • impact Measure of effect on business, one of low, medium, high.

  • priority Used by the service desk to classify problems by level of importance, one of low, medium, high, or critical.

  • risk Risk of the change.

  • start_date Start date of change.

  • status State of the change.

  • urgency Extent to which the incident’s resolution can be delayed, one of low, medium, or high.

  • description Details about the change.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "escalation": 1,
        "impact": "low"
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "escalation": 1,
      "impact": "low"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "category": "Software",
      "created": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "description": "We are going to put another 100 GB drive on the floor 2 server",
      "escalation": 1,
      "id": "FpTGcOSmGFokkYe0ruf4SuQdJ7JjACRI6S4mg6myJ-uR9t3hxp1XVtEMBxP6E1je9",
      "impact": "low",
      "modified": "2017-12-01T09:43:50Z",
      "priority": "high",
      "start_date": "2017-12-01T15:10:00Z",
      "end_date": "2017-12-01T15:20:00Z",
      "status": 0,
      "type": "change",
      "urgency": "high",
      "href": ""

Delete a Change 

delete a changeDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/changes/{change_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204


An article is a knowledge base article made to share information across the organization.

  • id Unique identifier for the article.

  • author User who created the article.

  • active Whether the article is active or not.

  • category Category of the article.

  • rating Rating of the article.

  • roles Who can see the article.

  • topic Topic of the article.

  • text Text of the article.

  • created ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was created.

  • modified ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was modified.

  • description Details about the article.

  • type Always article.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

List Articles 

list articlesGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/articles{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of article objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "total": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "page": 1,
      "next_page": null,
      "objects": [
          "active": true,
          "api": "itsm",
          "author": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
            "name": "David Thorman",
            "email": ""
          "created": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
          "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
          "id": "FkBoZX_HGUZMd9hYgvGl0nHAt8D1z-qJLezuKU3-CCNRJxXWBdfJkfjiTW_IGvt9o",
          "modified": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
          "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
          "topic": "Development environment set up manual",
          "type": "article",
          "href": ""
      "type": "object_list",
      "api": "itsm"

Create an Article 

create an articlePOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/article

To create an article, perform a POST request containing a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • author User who created the article.

  • active Whether the article is active or not.

  • category Category of the article.

  • rating Rating of the article.

  • roles Who can see the article.

  • topic Topic of the article.

  • text Text of the article.

  • description Details about the article.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "category": "Software",
        "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
        "author": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
        "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
        "topic": "Development environment set up manual"
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "category": "Software",
      "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
      "author": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
      "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
      "topic": "Development environment set up manual"
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "author": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
        "name": "David Thorman",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
      "id": "FkBoZX_HGUZMd9hYgvGl0nHAt8D1z-qJLezuKU3-CCNRJxXWBdfJkfjiTW_IGvt9o",
      "modified": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
      "topic": "Development environment set up manual",
      "type": "article",
      "href": ""

Retrieve an Article 

retrieve an ArticleGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/articles/{article_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "author": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
        "name": "David Thorman",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
      "id": "FkBoZX_HGUZMd9hYgvGl0nHAt8D1z-qJLezuKU3-CCNRJxXWBdfJkfjiTW_IGvt9o",
      "modified": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
      "topic": "Development environment set up manual",
      "type": "article",
      "href": ""

Update an Article 

update an articlePATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/articles/{article_id}

To update an article, make a PATCH request containing a JSON object with one or more of the following properties:

  • author User who created the article.

  • active Whether the article is active or not.

  • category Category of the article.

  • rating Rating of the article.

  • roles Who can see the article.

  • topic Topic of the article.

  • text Text of the article.

  • description Details about the article.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>"
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "active": true,
      "api": "itsm",
      "author": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNDZkMTRmMDRhOWZlMTk4MTAxNDJlNDBjNmIwNzE1MTI=",
        "name": "David Thorman",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "description": "detail steps on how to set up the dev env",
      "id": "FkBoZX_HGUZMd9hYgvGl0nHAt8D1z-qJLezuKU3-CCNRJxXWBdfJkfjiTW_IGvt9o",
      "modified": "2017-12-02T08:49:41Z",
      "text": "<p>Follow the instructions below</p>",
      "topic": "Development environment set up manual",
      "type": "article",
      "href": ""

Delete an Article 

delete an articleDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/articles/{article_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204


An asset is any of the physical, technological, contractual, and financial aspects of information technology assets.

  • id Unique identifier for the asset.

  • active Whether the asset is active or not.

  • assignee User assigned to this asset.

  • department Identifier of related department.

  • model Model of the asset.

  • name Name of the asset.

  • quantity Quantity of the asset.

  • created ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was created.

  • modified ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the object was modified.

  • description Details about the asset.

  • type Always asset.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

List Assets 

list assetsGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/assets{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page.

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of Asset objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "total": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "page": 1,
      "next_page": null,
      "objects": [
          "api": "itsm",
          "assignee": {
            "type": "user",
            "api": "team",
            "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
            "name": "Vinod Chandru",
            "email": ""
          "created": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
          "department": "221f79b7c6112284005d646b76ab978c",
          "id": "F2MLXtBS9d2ffbhco2CiHvVj9bSCiGAVlAG29GJWwt6GN98QRJmDEuL2KnzLfXUO3",
          "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
          "modified": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
          "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
          "quantity": 1,
          "type": "asset",
          "href": ""
      "type": "object_list",
      "api": "itsm"

Create an Asset 

create an assetPOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/asset

To create an asset, perform a POST request containing a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • active: Whether the asset is active or not.

  • assignee: User assigned to asset.

  • department: Identifier of related department.

  • model: Model of the asset.

  • name: Name of the asset.

  • quantity: Quantity of the asset.

  • description: Details about the asset.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
        "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
        "quantity": 1
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "assignee": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
      "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
      "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
      "quantity": 1
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "department": "221f79b7c6112284005d646b76ab978c",
      "id": "F2MLXtBS9d2ffbhco2CiHvVj9bSCiGAVlAG29GJWwt6GN98QRJmDEuL2KnzLfXUO3",
      "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
      "modified": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
      "quantity": 1,
      "type": "asset",
      "href": ""

Retrieve an Asset 

retrieve an AssetGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/assets/{asset_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "department": "221f79b7c6112284005d646b76ab978c",
      "id": "F2MLXtBS9d2ffbhco2CiHvVj9bSCiGAVlAG29GJWwt6GN98QRJmDEuL2KnzLfXUO3",
      "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
      "modified": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
      "quantity": 1,
      "type": "asset",
      "href": ""

Update an Asset 

update an assetPATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/assets/{asset_id}

To update an asset, make a PATCH request containing a JSON object with one or more of the following properties:

  • active: Whether the Asset is active or not.

  • assignee: User assigned to asset.

  • department: Identifier of related department.

  • model: Model of the asset.

  • name: Name of the asset.

  • quantity: Quantity of the asset.

  • description: Details about the asset.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "quantity": 1
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "quantity": 1
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


      "api": "itsm",
      "assignee": {
        "type": "user",
        "api": "team",
        "id": "uNTEzNzE1M2NjNjExMjI3YzAwMGJiZDFiZDhjZDIwMDc=",
        "name": "Vinod Chandru",
        "email": ""
      "created": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "department": "221f79b7c6112284005d646b76ab978c",
      "id": "F2MLXtBS9d2ffbhco2CiHvVj9bSCiGAVlAG29GJWwt6GN98QRJmDEuL2KnzLfXUO3",
      "model": "f10008893710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d80",
      "modified": "2017-12-03T14:41:44Z",
      "name": "Samsung SyncMaster 24\" Class BackLight LED",
      "quantity": 1,
      "type": "asset",
      "href": ""

Delete an Asset 

delete an assetDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/assets/{asset_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204


The ITSM Objects endpoints allow operations on any generic object provided by the ITSM service by transmitting and receiving raw data via Kloudless. These objects include both standard and custom objects defined in the upstream service.

  • id Unique identifier for the object.

  • type Type of object, always object.

  • api Always itsm.

  • raw Underlying object retrieved from the service with all fields, including custom fields.

  • href The absolute URL to get the object’s metadata.

Querying the objects endpoint requires a query parameter raw_type to query the service for objects of that type.

List Objects 

list objectsGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/objects{?page_size,page}

The response contains the following information:

  • count Number of objects on this page.

  • page Page identifier.

  • next_page The value to provide in the request’s page query parameter for the next page. This will be null if there are no more pages.

  • objects List of objects.

  • type Always object_list.

  • api Always itsm.

  • Parameters
  • page_size
    number (optional) Default: 10 

    The number of objects in each page. Some services do not support specifying a custom value for page_size. The page_size must be between 1 and 1000.

    string (optional) 

    The page to return. If page is not specified, the first page is returned, containing page_size objects. To retrieve pages after the first page, set page to the value of page_size returned in the previous response.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


            "api": "itsm",
            "type": "object",
            "raw": {
                "object": {
                "type": "sys_user",
                "id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f"
            "id": "F4vXMrEqeBUal2U3ShiyBHGbcz8mHkYBlGECV22VFwaY-MnHmJUq5QDMUyRKSSryv"
            "href": ""

Create an Object 

create an objectPOST /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/object

To create an object, make a POST request containing a JSON object with the attributes that are defined by the upstream service.

Here is an example request:

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    '' \
    -XPOST -d '{
        "first_name": "Yu Ming",
        "last_name": "Lu",
        "email": ""
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "first_name": "Yu Ming",
      "last_name": "Lu",
      "email": ""
  • Response  201Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


            "api": "itsm",
            "type": "object",
            "raw": {
                "object": {
                "type": "sys_user",
                "id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f"
            "id": "F4vXMrEqeBUal2U3ShiyBHGbcz8mHkYBlGECV22VFwaY-MnHmJUq5QDMUyRKSSryv"
            "href": ""

Retrieve an Object 

retrieve an ObjectGET /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/objects/{object_id}
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


            "api": "itsm",
            "type": "object",
            "raw": {
                "object": {
                "type": "sys_user",
                "id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f"
            "id": "F4vXMrEqeBUal2U3ShiyBHGbcz8mHkYBlGECV22VFwaY-MnHmJUq5QDMUyRKSSryv"
            "href": ""

Update an Object 

update an objectPATCH /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/objects/{object_id}

To update an object, make a PATCH request containing a JSON object specifying the attribute(s) to be modified.

The new object will be returned on success.

Example request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -XPATCH -d '{
        "first_name": "Yu-Ming"
    }' \
  • RequestToggle
  • Headers

    Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json


      "first_name": "Yu-Ming"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers

    Content-Type: application/json


            "api": "itsm",
            "type": "object",
            "raw": {
                "object": {
                "type": "sys_user",
                "id": "02826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5d3f"
            "id": "F4vXMrEqeBUal2U3ShiyBHGbcz8mHkYBlGECV22VFwaY-MnHmJUq5QDMUyRKSSryv"
            "href": ""

Delete an Object 

delete an objectDELETE /accounts/{account_id}/itsm/objects/{object_id}

Example request:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
    -XDELETE ''
  • Response  204

Activity Monitoring 

Track changes to objects via the Activity API and webhooks.

Activity API required: These endpoints require your Kloudless subscription to include access to the Activity API.

Users and Groups 

The Team API provides information on users and groups.