# Appendix B: Container Deployment

# Kubernetes: Quickstart & Files

This section covers deployment of the Kloudless appliance on Kubernetes.

It more than just simple configuration for early testing, but does not necessarily cover all the configuration options we might recommend for acceptance testing and production.

# Provisioning: Cluster Providers

In order to deploy on Kubernetes, you'll first need a cluster and kubectl configured with credentials to manage it. Keep in mind the minimum requirements for hosting the Kloudless appliance.

  • For initial testing, local deployment on a minikube node or cluster may be easiest. This choice allows validating Kubernetes configuration with the exception of managed load balancers and their SSL/TLS termination.

  • For Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), provisioning via the dashboard is likely easiest. Credentials for kubectl can be obtained with the gcloud utility as detailed by Google.

  • For Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), you can provision a cluster with eksctl or the AWS Management Web Console. Credentials can be obtained with eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --name [cluster-name].

Other providers including Microsoft's Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) are also available, and you can ask for assistance from Kloudless Support.

# Provider-Specific Notes: Private Networking

We recommend routing Redis and database traffic on private subnets. EKS provisions private subnets for cluster networking by default, and optionally public subnets. However, GKE requires more configuration.

# Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

To configure private networking in GKE, first find the private IP addresses for your Postgres database and GCP Memorystore server. We'll clone and use k8s-custom-iptables have traffic routed privately from the Kloudless appliance to these services, per the recommendation of Google Cloud's Redis/Memorystore docs

Using iptables in a privileged container, it deploys NAT rules to route traffic for these private IP addresses.

Clone and deploy k8s-custom-iptables Deploying the iptables will look something like the following, with IP addresses for your services substituted in place. TARGETS="" ./install.sh.

# Provider-Specific Notes: Ingress

Configuring traffic ingress routes is easy on GKE and EKS. Create a Service with type Load Balancer, and ensure it has appropriate selector and port configuration. See the Service example section for a usable example Service declaration.

# Setup: Credentials, Configuration & External Services

# Credentials: Kloudless Private Docker Registry

To obtain a container, visit our enterprise downloads page. With your registered email and Developer Meta Token you can authorize your cluster to pull container images with the following command:

kubectl create secret docker-registry kloudless-registry-key \
  --docker-server=docker.kloudless.com \
  --docker-username=[developer-registered-email] \

The latest release version of Kloudless Enterprise can be determined from the Release Notes or by querying the repository directly for available version, with the following command.

curl -u [developer-email]:[meta-bearer-token] https://docker.kloudless.com/v2/{prod,k8s}/tags/list | jq .

# Configuration: Customization & Distribution

To generate an application configuration file for your deployment, see the Configuration Guide. To deploy the application with your configuration, store the file as a ConfigMap, "kloudless-cm" per the default deployment template, which will be mounted to the appropriate path, /data/kloudless.yml, in each container.

You can use ke_config_skel.sh to generate a configuration file template, before instantiating it for your deployment.

# External Services: Postgres (& Redis)

Before attempting a permanent deployment, have an external Postgres database ready. Using an external database is recommended for almost all deployments, to simplify management of data and deployment of Kloudless appliance instances

For clustering multiple deployed containers, we require a Redis server for sharing state. Instances will coordinate automatically once they connect to Redis.

# Resources Lifecycle: (ConfigMap, Service, Deployment)

kubectl api-resources note, for your convenience, the short names for ConfigMap (cm), Service (svc), and Deployment (deploy).

Action Command
Pod login kubectl exec -it kloudless-[rs-id]-[pod-id] ke_shell
Re-deploy after ConfigMap update kubectl scale rs kloudless-[rs-id] --replicas=0
Logs from Pods kubectl logs [-f] [pod [container]]
Events (deployment and errors) kubectl get events [-o [wide|yaml]] [-w] [--sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp']

# ConfigMap (cm)

Action Command
Create kubectl create configmap kloudless-cm --from-file=./kloudless.yml
View kubectl get cm kloudless-cm [-o yaml] or kubectl describe cm kloudless-cm with metadata
Edit* kubectl edit cm kloudless-cm
Delete kubectl delete cm kloudless-cm

*Edit: (ensure you back this up, or prefer process of editing local source files and then creating again--which overwrites based on resource name)

# Service (svc)

Action Command
Create kubectl apply -f ./service.yml
View kubectl get svc [kloudless] [-o yaml] or kubectl describe svc kloudless with metadata
Edit* kubectl edit svc kloudless
Delete kubectl delete svc kloudless

*Edit: (ensure you back this up, or prefer process of editing local source files and then creating again--which overwrites based on resource name)

# Deployment (deploy)

Deployments consist of ReplicaSets (rs) which contain Pods (pod), the deployment unit, which run the Kloudless container.

Action Command
Create kubectl apply -f ./deployment.yml
View kubectl get deploy [kloudless] [-o yaml] or kubectl describe svc kloudless with metadata
Edit* kubectl edit deploy kloudless
Delete kubectl delete deploy kloudless

*Edit: (ensure you back this up, or prefer process of editing local source files and then creating again--which overwrites based on resource name)

# Usage & Troubleshooting

# Opening a Shell

ke_shell starts a shell with environment variables initialized to administer the Kloudless appliance.

kubectl exec -it [kloudless-deployment-rsId-podId] ke_shell

# Troubleshooting

Check that the license key has been downloaded. It should be present at /data/license.key

Also, see the Monitoring Initialization section.

# K8s ConfigMap: Setup & Example File

  1. Generate a configuration file template with this ke_config_skel.sh script, and fill in necessary values. The script creates unique private keys to protect your data at rest. You have the only copy of the keys. You are responsible for keeping backups and keeping the keys secret.
./ke_config_skel.sh > my-kloudless.yml
  1. Create a ConfigMap in your Kubernetes cluster with the following command.
kubectl create cm kloudless-cm \
  --from-file=kloudless.yml=my-kloudless.yml \
  [-o yaml] [--dry-run]
  1. Ensure the ConfigMap contains the file data under the key "kloudless.yml" in order to match the provided Deployment file.

# Clarification & Pitfalls

Ultimately it matters that the ConfigMap data is available to the application at path /data/kloudless.yml.




# ./deploy.yml - relevant slice of hierarchy
      - name: kloudless-config-volume
          name: kloudless-cm
          - key: kloudless.yml
            path: kloudless.yml
      - name: kenterprise
        image: docker.kloudless.com/k8s:1.29.x
        - name: kloudless-config-volume
          mountPath: /data/kloudless.yml
          subPath: kloudless.yml

Role of each highlighted line:

  • spec.template.spec.volumes[k].name: volume name exportable to containers
  • spec.template.spec.volumes[k].configMap.name: name of the ConfigMap to draw on
  • spec.template.spec.containers[i].volumeMounts[j].name: name of the volume, as provided by the pod, to mount into the container
  • spec.template.spec.containers[i].volumeMounts[j].mountPath: path to mount the volume
  • spec.template.spec.containers[i].volumeMounts[j].subPath: option to specify hardlink location instead of mounting (and masking) over the directory

# K8s Service: Setup & Example File

Configuring external access requires the following configuration items set up appropriately.

  • The kloudless.yml configuration file should be set with the external hostname of the appliance.
  • A load balancer should be provisioned by the Kubernetes Service.
  • A DNS CNAME or A record should point to the load balancer.
  • Kubernetes labels should match across the following.
    • service spec:
      • spec.selector.selector
    • deployment spec:
      • spec.template.metadata.labels
      • spec.selector.matchLabels
      • metadata.labels

For SSL/TLS, each provider has a LoadBalancer Kubernetes-Ingress type for their own load balancers. You could also terminate on the appliance itself, or on another Ingress, e.g. nginx. The Service, which provisions a load balancer, should be deployed before configuring DNS. You can update the Service without deleting it, but if you delete the Service your Kubernetes provider will likely provision a different load balancer, requiring you to update DNS.

Decide whether you'll terminate TLS on a load-balancer Service, Ingress before the appliance, or on the appliance itself. Then configure appropriate ports and configure the Kloudless appliance for your chosen SSL/TLS termination in kloudless.yml.

# ./k8s-service.yml - Example for External TLS Termination
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kloudless-api
    app: kloudless
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: kloudless
  - name: api-http
    port: 443
    targetPort: 80
    protocol: TCP
  - name: dev-http
    port: 8443
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP

with the Kloudless appliance configuration file

# ./kloudless.yml - TLS Configuration Section, for External TLS Termination
  is_configured: true
  local: false

Pass-through configuration

# ./k8s-service.yml - Pass-Through, On-Appliance TLS Termination
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kloudless-api
    app: kloudless
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: kloudless
  - name: api-http
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    protocol: TCP
  - name: dev-http
    port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
  - name: api-https
    port: 443
    targetPort: 443
    protocol: TCP
  - name: dev-https
    port: 8443
    targetPort: 8443
    protocol: TCP

# Labels

For more about Labels, see the Good Practices with Labels, Recommended Labels, and Introduction to Labels in the Kubernetes docs.

# K8s Deployment: Setup & Example File

Specifies the container to run, configuration file to mount as a volume, and tags pods with a label to allow Service routing by Kubernetes.


  • for the containers[0].image version, see enterprise downloads page for the latest available version
  • the containers[0].env section includes Resource Scaling Overrides. Both env...containerName keys must match the Kloudless container's containers[0].name
  • the container's port names need to match the service port names. Choose either http ports or https ports to open, corresponding to whether a network load-balancer is in use in front of the application. See the network services or TLS configuration sections for more information.
  • the kloudless-config-volume mount mounts a single file. It does not mount (over) the whole directory, where generated config files are accessed.
# ./deploy.yml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: kloudless-deployment
    app: kloudless
  replicas: 2
      app: kloudless
        app: kloudless
      - name: kloudless-registry-key
      - name: kloudless-config-volume
          name: kloudless-cm
          - key: kloudless.yml
            path: kloudless.yml
      - name: run
          medium: "Memory"
          sizeLimit: "100Mi"
      - name: run-lock
          medium: "Memory"
          sizeLimit: "100Mi"
      - name: tmp
          medium: "Memory"
          sizeLimit: "100Mi"
      - name: kenterprise
        image: docker.kloudless.com/prod:1.32.x
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        args: ["--ulimit nofile=1024000:1024000 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range='1025 65535'"]
        command: ["/bin/entrypoint"]
        - name: kloudless-config-volume
          mountPath: /data/kloudless.yml
          subPath: kloudless.yml
        - name: run
          mountPath: /run
        - name: run-lock
          mountPath: /run/lock
        - name: journal
          mountPath: /var/lib/journal
            memory: "16G"
            memory: "4.0G"
          - name: SALT_NUM_CPUS
                containerName: kenterprise
                resource: limits.cpu
          - name: SALT_MEM_TOTAL
                containerName: kenterprise
                divisor: 1Mi
                resource: limits.memory
        - name: api-http
          containerPort: 80
        - name: dev-http
          containerPort: 8080
        - name: api-https
          containerPort: 443
        - name: dev-https
          containerPort: 8443

# Resource Scaling Overrides

Kloudless scales internal process and memory usage based on available resources. In some cases, the values reported as available by the operating system may differ significantly from the resources allocated for use by the container. To prevent issues that can be caused by inappropriate scaling, the detected limits can be overridden with SALT_NUM_CPUS and SALT_MEM_TOTAL (in Megabytes). This is included in the default k8s configuration provided above as well.

For Kubernetes, we recommend to set these values to the container's limits for CPU and memory as shown below and in the sample file above.




# ./deployment.yml ...
#   containers:
    - name: kenterprise
      image: docker.kloudless.com/k8s:1.23.45
        - name: SALT_NUM_CPUS
              containerName: kenterprise
              resource: limits.cpu
        - name: SALT_MEM_TOTAL
              containerName: kenterprise
              divisor: 1Mi
              resource: limits.memory

# Docker: Quickstart

# Obtaining the Container

The following command can be used to fetch and load our Docker container into your local registry so that you can get started:

docker pull docker.kloudless.com/[release]:[version]

per the enterprise downloads page or list available versions with:

curl -u [developer-email]:[meta-bearer-token] https://docker.kloudless.com/v2/prod/tags/list | jq .

Reach out to the Kloudless Support Team if you have any questions.

# Host Configuration

For improved network performance, the following kernel settings are recommended to handle large amounts of network connections (these should be persisted with the relevant configuration for your host operating system):


# Minimal Configuration

Generate a configuration file template with this script, and fill in necessary values. The script creates unique private keys to protect your data at rest. You have the only copy of the keys. Keep backups and kept the keys secret.

./ke_config_skel.sh > kloudless.yml

Customize the resulting YAML file for your deployment. It will later be deployed either as an environment variable or on a removable volume.

Your license code can be found on the Enterprise License page.

# ./kloudless.yml - Example Instantiation
hostname: my-kloudless.company.com
license_code: XyzEnterpriseLicenseCodeXyz
# db:    # for persisting data outside the instance [host,port,user,password,name]
# redis: # for clustering Kloudless instances

# Running the Container

The volume mounted to /data will be used as the "data disk" to store configuration, system logs, and the local database (if used).

# Linux

Once loaded, start a local Kloudless Enterprise instance with the following command:

docker run -d \
 --name kenterprise \
 --env KLOUDLESS_CONFIG="$(cat ./kloudless.yml)" \
 --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock --tmpfs /var/lib/journal \
 -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 -p 8443:8443 -p 22:22 \
 --ulimit nofile=1024000:1024000 \
 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range='1025 65535' \
 --volume /host/dir/path:/data \
 docker.kloudless.com/prod:1.32.x \

# Windows

On a Windows 2016 machine, a named volume must be used instead:

docker volume create --name ke-data
docker run -d \
 --name kenterprise \
 --env KLOUDLESS_CONFIG="$(cat ./kloudless.yml)" \
 --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock --tmpfs /var/lib/journal \
 -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 -p 8443:8443 -p 22:22 \
 --ulimit nofile=1024000:1024000 \
 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range='1025 65535' \
 --volume ke-data:/data \
 docker.kloudless.com/prod:1.32.x \

Be sure to enable sharing of the Drive under Shared Drives in Docker’s Settings. In addition, Hyper-V must be enabled on the host.

# Accessing the Administrative Console

Once the container has started, it is possible to enter a shell within the container with the following command:

docker exec -ti **_container_id_** ke_shell

From here it is possible to run the required management and configuration scripts.

# Interactive Reconfiguration

The commands above will start a stand alone appliance that uses its own local database and broker, which is sufficient for demo or development purposes. To configure the license key, copy it into the data volume directory, via the shared directory if necessary. Once copied, run the following command to obtain a shell in the container's environment:

docker exec -ti [container_id] ke_shell

Once in the shell set the license key as follows:

sudo ke_manage_license_key set /data/lk-filename

After that finishes, visit http://localhost:8080 to see the developer portal.

# Considerations on Red Hat (RHEL)

When running the container on RedHat based systems, it is important to make sure that the underlying file system is configured correctly. According to the Red Hat Documentation XFS is the only file system that can be used as the base layer for the OverlayFS used by the docker container's root file system. The XFS file system must be created with the -n ftype=1 option. Since this is still under heavy development by Red Hat, there are steps which must be taken to ensure that a sufficiently recent kernel is in use, see the Docker Issues section for more information about how to debug the errors you might see.

# Docker Compose: Example File

Here is an example of a Docker compose file:

# ./docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
    image: "redis:latest"
    image: "postgres:10"
      - POSTGRES_USER=kloudless
      - POSTGRES_DB=kloudless
    restart: always
      - target: /var/lib/postgresql/data
        type: volume
        source: database
    image: "docker.kloudless.com/prod:${KLOUDLESS_VERSION:-1.32.9}"
    command: "/usr/local/bin/docker_entry"
      - redis
      - db
      - "8080:8080"
      - "8443:8443"
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - /run
      - /run/lock
      - /var/lib/journal
      - type: volume
        target: /data
        source: data
      SALT_MEM_TOTAL: ${MEM_TOTAL:-7458}
        redis: redis://redis:6379/0
          host: db
          port: 5432
          name: 'kloudless'
          user: 'kloudless'
          password: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
        hostname: ${KLOUDLESS_HOSTNAME}
        license_code: ${KLOUDLESS_LICENSE}

# Monitoring Initialization

By default, the container will send its logs to standard out, so they can be monitored with the standard Docker tooling. It is also possible to monitor the initial configuration process of the container from within the container via the following command:

sudo tail -f /var/log/journal/ke_init.service.log

Logs for the whole appliance can be monitored through /var/log/syslog.

If the license key is already configured, completion of initialization can also be checked by querying the /health endpoint of the container:

curl http://localhost/health

A successful response will look something like the following:

{"celery": {"status": "ok", "local": {"queues": {"celery": 0, "celery-bg": 0},
"tasks": {"bg": "ok", "fg": "ok"}}, "remote": {"queues": {"celery": 0,
"celery-bg": 0}, "tasks": {"bg": "ok", "fg": "ok"}}, "elapsed":
0.42250490188598633}, "api": {"status": "ok"}, "db": {"status": "ok", "elapsed":