# Appendix D: Management Commands

These are the management commands included to simplify maintenance of the appliance. A short description is included here. For further documentation on each command, run them with the -h or --help flag.

# Configuration

  • salt-call
    Used to perform Salt runs that enforce the configuration of the machine. To perform one, run sudo salt-call --local state.highstate followed by supervisorctl restart all to restart processes and load the updated configuration.

  • ke_manage_service_keys
    Configures the default OAuth service keys for applications using the appliance.

  • ke_manage_remote_networks
    Manages which customers can create proxied connections to their remote repositories with the appliance.

  • ke_manage_developers
    Manages developer accounts and developer keys. Promote a normal developer account to superuser using this command.

  • ke_manage_license_key
    View and set license key files. Setting licenses also runs ke_update_configuration to update the system configuration.

# Maintenance

  • ke_fetch_upgrade
    Downloads most recent application or system updates from Kloudless.

  • ke_update_configuration
    Updates the application configuration such as runtime environment and license key. Data is fetched from Kloudless servers regarding various application configuration options. Running applications will be restarted to load in the updated configuration.

  • supervisorctl
    Core application-level web services and daemons are controlled via supervisord. Services may be restarted by running supervisorctl restart all. supervisord may also be used to start and stop individual services, such as the developer portal and API server.

# Troubleshooting and Support

  • ke_logs
    Begins printing relevant logs to standard out on the console.

  • ke_report_error
    Creates and sends an error report to Kloudless with logs from the node.

  • ke_remote_help
    Securely allow Kloudless Engineers to connect to the appliance.

  • ke_reset_user_password
    Reset a developer account’s password.